Copyright and Legal Issues is the official website of the National Bank of Romania (NBR) and the main tool to inform the public about its decisions and activities, aiming for increasing transparency, bolstering the prestige of the institution, as well as raising public awareness of matters related to central bank tasks.

The information provided by the NBR via its website and social media accounts is protected against cyber-attacks. However, caution is warranted when using online information, as it may be affected by cyber-attacks.

The NBR does not accept any responsibility or liability for any loss which may arise in connection with any decision made in reliance upon information published on the internet.

The NBR reserves the right to modify the content of its website at any time and without prior notice.

The NBR is present in the social media via its official Instagram, Youtube, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts. The contents posted on these online communication platforms (texts, pictures, videos, etc.) may be shared only by acknowledging the source.

The NBR does not accept any responsibility for information published on social media accounts that do not belong to the institution or for any technical issues that may arise in relation to the Instagram, Youtube, LinkedIn and Twitter platforms.

Another online communication tool used by the NBR is the OpiniiBNR blog, a forum platform where central bank specialists discuss the leading developments in the domestic and international macroeconomic and financial areas. The opinions expressed are strictly those of the authors, do not represent the official position of the NBR and may not be regarded as binding on the central bank in any way whatsoever.

In addition, the NBR also manages the LeulRomânesc mobile app, with information on the domestic currency and the security features of banknotes. The free app is available in Romanian and English on AppStore or Google Play.


Own content published on and on the NBR’s social media accounts is copyrighted.

The monogram, logo and distinctive background pattern on the NBR website are registered trademarks and may be used only with written consent from the NBR.

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